Two girls in elementary school are using Amplify Science on a laptop
Amplify Science Student Book What My Sister Taught Me About Magnets
Two middle school girls conduct a science experiment
Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate digital simulation

Welcome, Lake Washington reviewers!

Authored by UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, Amplify Science was designed from the ground up for the Next Generation Science Standards to teach students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers. The program combines literacy-rich activities with hands-on learning and digital tools to engage students in exploring a compelling real-world phenomenon in every unit.

On this site, you will find easy-to-follow instructions and resources to support your review.

Courses for review

Amplify Science is a blended learning program where students take on the roles of scientists and engineers to solve real-world problems.

Below you will find log in instructions for the digital curriculum.

Two middle school girls use a Student Investigation Notebook to take on the role of scientists and engineers

Teacher account - grades K–5

Click below to preview the curriculum:

Preview the curriculum

Click here to view a materials list.

When you are finished reviewing, sign out of the digital curriculum. Need help?

Four middle school science students gather around a desk, engaged in an interactive group project, investigating an object together in a colorful classroom setting.

Student digital resources - grades K–5

Students in elementary school work primarily offline. Students in grades 2 through 5 have access to digital simulations and modeling tools through the Student Apps page. Click below to view the Amplify Science Digital Student Library.

Preview the curriculum

When you are finished reviewing, sign out of the digital curriculum. Need help?

Course structure

  • Elementary school curriculum

Contact your Lake Washington representative directly

Patrick Momsen
District Manager

Phone: (541) 207-2148